- Visit
- Click SIGN UP on the top right corner of the page.
- Enter your EMAIL ADDRESS.
- Enter your PASSWORD.
- Confirm your password.
- Select your COUNTRY.
- Enter your MOBILE NUMBER followed by OTP.
- Read and agree to the Privacy Policy & Terms and Conditions.
- Click SIGN UP.
- Check your registered mail and click the verification link to activate your account.
- Visit
- Click LOG-IN on the top right corner of the page.
- Enter your registered EMAIL ADDRESS.
- Enter your PASSWORD.
- Click LOG IN.
You will be directed to your dashboard.
- Update your profile with personal information & image.
- Click the ‘UNVERIFIED’ icon beside your name.
You will be directed to the verification page.
Available ID types: Passport/ID Card/Driver’s License.
- Upload the COVER PAGE of your ID in the first section.
- Upload the BIOGRAPHICAL PAGE of your ID in the second section.
- Upload a picture of you holding the SIGNED BIOGRAPHICAL PAGE in the third section.
- Click SUBMIT.
Your profile will be reviewed and verified shortly.
- Click FUNDS on the top right corner of the page.
- Under WALLET BALANCE, click your desired cryptocurrency to deposit/withdraw.
- Once the desired cryptocurrency is selected, copy the DEPOSIT ADDRESS.
- The fund can be sent to the same DEPOSIT ADDRESS.
- Every cryptocurrency has its unique DEPOSIT ADDRESS.
- FIAT CURRENCY can be deposited through normal bank transfer.
- Click EXCHANGE on the top menu bar of the page.
- Click BASIC if you are a beginner.
- Click Pro if you are a professional.
You will be redirected to the corresponding exchange page.
- Select the desired trading pair.
- Check the limit/market.
- Place the corresponding amount and click BUY/SELL.
- Once the order is placed, the match-making mechanism is initiated.
- The highly-secure match-making mechanism matches the buyer with an apt seller.
- Once the match is fixed, the trade is initiated.
Thus the corresponding party receives the payments.